and just hanging out and shopping. I must say...I have a pretty incredible husband! He did it all and for no reason in particular...just because. And lets just be honest-the "just because" times are the best!
After a relaxing, fun, and enjoyable getaway it was Easter Sunday. Church was so alive and exciting! (I even got goosebumps at one point!) it is so awesome to come to church and celebrate Jesus and God's AMAZINGNESS! I love Easter!
So a great, AMAZING, wonderful weekend that I will never forget!
....But then what happens this morning? THE DAY STARTS HORRIBLY! Go figure, right? I woke up so tired, its pouring outside, and I had to be at work early. Things with my meeting didnt go as planned and I found myself extremely discouraged and frustrated. Honestly, I'm still trying to walk it out right now...tryin to keep positive. I've been praying and leaning on Jesus all morning-which made me start thinking, What if I didnt have Jesus in my life? It hit me that I have a Savior that I can lean on and give all my burdens to...and He is right there with me! And not only that, but I realized how much I take Him for granted. I realized that without His death on the cross, I wouldn't have the hope I have when I call to Jesus for help. I realized that there are so many people on earth that have no hope and no one to lean on when they feel discouraged and defeated, like I felt this morning. I am SO grateful for a RISEN savior that is always near, cares about me like a father, and will be sufficent for all of my needs. Thank you God for not giving up on me today!