I stumbled across this great ministry called "Leading it and Loving it" last year...they are a ministry dedicated to ministering to ministers, focusing on Pastor's wives. It's still weird to put myself in this category! :) but as I have dug in and connected with their blog and recently their virtual conference, I realize I have a lot in common with the other women engaged in this ministry. The last three weeks they have hosted the "JustOne" virtual conference and I've tuned in every Monday night to listen to several pastor's wives and women who are in leadership positions in the church speak specifically about the struggles of being in ministry.
I've done a lot of self examining these last few weeks and have related with many of the speakers. At times, it's almost been "discouraging" because I come away with some great stuff and realize how I have all these issues! haha I didn't realize I felt THAT way, or I that I've had the same frustrations, or that I wish certain things with ministry would change...But I'm grateful to hear from other people that are all in the same boat, trying to accomplish the same goals, and running into the same roadblocks. It's been encouraging and challenging! They've addressed marriage, family, church ministry, church planting, church betrayal, friendships, appearance, character...you name it! I love that God is giving me these great things now, early on in ministry. Life has been great, marriage has been amazing, and ministry is continually changing into some great things at our church. I'm grateful for these words of wisdom now so I can be more prepared for the challenging days down the road (you know they will come sooner or later!) Here are some random "nuggets" I've heard in the last few weeks that stuck out to me:
- You are leading with your life, whether you like it or not. So LEAD! Don't think of it as a curse but as a blessing!
- We must be careful about our demeanor...our attitude can speak volumes.
- Don't forget your first love, Jesus. He is why you do what you do.
- "God's work done God's way will never lack supply" Hudson Taylor
- Be the best YOU that you can be. Be the best Missy Moore that God desires!
- Don't ride the spiritual coat tails of your husband.
- Who am I leading? Who am I intentionally influencing? Who am I unintentionally influencing?
- First, I am a Christ follower. Next, I'm a wife! What does my husband need of me?
- Ministry can be lonely if your husband isn't your #1 confidant! Keep him #1!
- Intimacy=to be fully known. Intimate with God, intimate with husband.
- Confession is useless unless there is transformation.
- You don't drift into a good marriage...it has to be intentional.
One more week left of the conference!
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