its eleven thirty and i'm having late night rambilings. ha! there is alot going on in this little head of mine!
without going toooo heavy, i have been really trying to apply this concept of "crucifying" your passions to God-DAILY. the bible talks about taking up your cross daily and i have said those words countless mornings to God. "God, right now, I just take up my cross and give you my life. I die to my self and want to please you." That is the common mumbo jumbo that comes out of my mouth but I realized that it was starting to become so mundane and habitual...
but this week i decided to start being more specific with God about the things that I am "crucifying" aka: dieing to or giving up so that I can have God's best and live according to the way he wants. Such things as "God, I crucify this desire right now to sleep longer and be lazy. I crucify these thoughts I have and the negative attitude I have going into this situation. I crucify my emotions, the way I feel about this and my desires for this. I crucify my dreams and give them to you." All of these are in my prayers during the common hours of the day. I am recognizing my own self-will, crucifiying it, then.. I am moving forward with everything inside of me. Its a real interesting process but it is what being a Christ follower is about. The constant thing I am battling are my dreams and hopes for the future.. every hour I am giving those to God, and i'm growing! :) it takes time, effort, and relying on God.
so anywhooo, just some of the things on my mind. Some randomosity: I tried to parallel park a car today=bad idea. HA! It was sort of funny! I also had a good joke with God. Okay here is the conversation...
"God, thank you for waking me up this morning. I was real tired and I am surprised that I could get up at 6am and be ready for the day. Thank you for waking me up because I know I was sleeping like a rock....wait, God, you ARE the ROCK! You are my rock!" get it? sleeping like a rock? Hah. I'm lame.
Well, more adventures to come. I'm excited for my education hour class on Sunday and for the next time to hear from God from on Sunday morning. Im stoked to hang with some friends this weekend and to see what God does next....
Psalm 138:8-"The Lord will work out his plans for my life- for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me."
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Euphoria: a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation
I have ALOT to be euphoric about tonight (love that word!) God is just so awesome and i have so much to rejoice and praise about on this day. I don't want to be mundane, but today's festivities were quite enjoyable so i figure id share!
I arose at 6:30, babysat from 7:00-8:30, went back to sleep, woke up at 10 (which is sleeping in for me) went to lunch with my papa at 11:00, then I did some homework, started reading this awesome book called "All I need is Jesus and a Good Pair of Jeans", did some more homework, went to the park and read my bible in the beautiful weather, had dinner with emilia, annnd went to church :)
woah, what a good day. my lunch with my dad was awesome. we talked about life's events and the future, the dreams we both have for the days ahead. Its really cool to share those things that you think about but maybe never put out there. I love that i can throw ideas at him and he tells me what he thinks. I love him so much! and probably the best thing about hanging out with him too is that i feel like we both get something out of the time together. When we hang out, it is uplifting for both of us. It isn't selfish conversation or a venting session. There is no agenda when we meet and i love that.
I also decided today to take advantage of the beautiful weather outside and read my bible at the park. It is probably one of my favorite things to do when the weather is just right. There is something about nature that draws me closer to God. It was a great way to take a break from studying, although i must praise God too because i'm loving the book i'm reading for school right now. It is all about preaching and the art of preaching as well as the importance of preaching in the church today. I'm diggin it... i'm also diggin this new artist, Francesca Battistelli. I haven't stopped listening to her on my ipod for seriously the last two weeks. check her out!
so yep... three great days this week and four to go! takin it one day at a time and living for jesus with everything inside of me. i'm loving it! i'm ready for tomorrow...going to make a difference in the world!
well, time to eat dinner, my mom is amazing and leaves dinner in the microwave for me for when i get home from church. tonight is marinated chicken breast, green beans, garlic bread, and pasta salad..mmmMMmmm.
thats all for now..peace out boy scout! F.G.G.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
today was awesome. alot of the things that i am praying about are popping into my life. i'm now seeing the ways that God is testing me in my faith and i am having to stick to my word and commitments. Not just talking the talk, but walking the walk! i am definately growing and leaning on JC! but i tore it up this morning with God (in a good way) and had an awesome prayer time! it is always a great way to start to the day and spending time with him just puts things into perspective on what really is important in life.
i'm looking forward to tomorrow, lunch date with my pops! it is always such a good time to catch up with him...he is definately one of the people in my life that just "get me" and i can have a conversation with about anything. i love it. i'm sure we will go out on a walk too cause its supposed to be a beauuutiful day! :) glad i dont have to work! And i'm also excited about church tomorrow night and the conclusion of "FANATIC" ...who knows what will happen! get ready!!!
but for now, gotta eat (pilates killed tonight) and then i'm off to discipleship meeting. I will have to post about that later... i am learning so much about God's definition of love and loving others. my prayer is that i will become better at loving my neighbor better than myself and loving people intentionally, even when I dont feel like it. my prayer is that God's love would be felt through me when i spend time with other people. like the beatles say, "all you need is love.."
so for now... adios! F.G.G.
2 great days this week and 5 more to go!
i'm looking forward to tomorrow, lunch date with my pops! it is always such a good time to catch up with him...he is definately one of the people in my life that just "get me" and i can have a conversation with about anything. i love it. i'm sure we will go out on a walk too cause its supposed to be a beauuutiful day! :) glad i dont have to work! And i'm also excited about church tomorrow night and the conclusion of "FANATIC" ...who knows what will happen! get ready!!!
but for now, gotta eat (pilates killed tonight) and then i'm off to discipleship meeting. I will have to post about that later... i am learning so much about God's definition of love and loving others. my prayer is that i will become better at loving my neighbor better than myself and loving people intentionally, even when I dont feel like it. my prayer is that God's love would be felt through me when i spend time with other people. like the beatles say, "all you need is love.."
so for now... adios! F.G.G.
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Beginning....
I decided to start a blog here on "blogger"... why? Well, for many reasons.
I have been blogging for the last year or so and I have enjoyed it more than anyone could know. It has been so amazing to see the thoughts in my head on paper and then being able to share them with the world. Myspace was always the place I would post my thoughts for all to see and most of the time they weren't just random thoughts but they were posts of profound revelations...that took a lot of time to come to. It was a once a month thing, instead of sharing my daily life.
But I've been thinking lately that it would be fun to post more blogs, with random events and questions of life to go with these long profound blogs in the mix too. It would be fun to share the thoughts, questions, quirks, and funny events of life that we go through everyday. But most importantly, I want to share my walk with Jesus with the world. I want to record the ups and downs, the road that i'm traveling along the way. Because being a Christian means that you have a relationship with Jesus Christ...everyday! How tight is this!?! There is so much that He is teaching me and so much that I am growing through! Why not share the journey?
So here we goooo.....
I have been blogging for the last year or so and I have enjoyed it more than anyone could know. It has been so amazing to see the thoughts in my head on paper and then being able to share them with the world. Myspace was always the place I would post my thoughts for all to see and most of the time they weren't just random thoughts but they were posts of profound revelations...that took a lot of time to come to. It was a once a month thing, instead of sharing my daily life.
But I've been thinking lately that it would be fun to post more blogs, with random events and questions of life to go with these long profound blogs in the mix too. It would be fun to share the thoughts, questions, quirks, and funny events of life that we go through everyday. But most importantly, I want to share my walk with Jesus with the world. I want to record the ups and downs, the road that i'm traveling along the way. Because being a Christian means that you have a relationship with Jesus Christ...everyday! How tight is this!?! There is so much that He is teaching me and so much that I am growing through! Why not share the journey?
So here we goooo.....
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