Euphoria: a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation
I have ALOT to be euphoric about tonight (love that word!) God is just so awesome and i have so much to rejoice and praise about on this day. I don't want to be mundane, but today's festivities were quite enjoyable so i figure id share!
I arose at 6:30, babysat from 7:00-8:30, went back to sleep, woke up at 10 (which is sleeping in for me) went to lunch with my papa at 11:00, then I did some homework, started reading this awesome book called "All I need is Jesus and a Good Pair of Jeans", did some more homework, went to the park and read my bible in the beautiful weather, had dinner with emilia, annnd went to church :)
woah, what a good day. my lunch with my dad was awesome. we talked about life's events and the future, the dreams we both have for the days ahead. Its really cool to share those things that you think about but maybe never put out there. I love that i can throw ideas at him and he tells me what he thinks. I love him so much! and probably the best thing about hanging out with him too is that i feel like we both get something out of the time together. When we hang out, it is uplifting for both of us. It isn't selfish conversation or a venting session. There is no agenda when we meet and i love that.
I also decided today to take advantage of the beautiful weather outside and read my bible at the park. It is probably one of my favorite things to do when the weather is just right. There is something about nature that draws me closer to God. It was a great way to take a break from studying, although i must praise God too because i'm loving the book i'm reading for school right now. It is all about preaching and the art of preaching as well as the importance of preaching in the church today. I'm diggin it... i'm also diggin this new artist, Francesca Battistelli. I haven't stopped listening to her on my ipod for seriously the last two weeks. check her out!
so yep... three great days this week and four to go! takin it one day at a time and living for jesus with everything inside of me. i'm loving it! i'm ready for tomorrow...going to make a difference in the world!
well, time to eat dinner, my mom is amazing and leaves dinner in the microwave for me for when i get home from church. tonight is marinated chicken breast, green beans, garlic bread, and pasta salad..mmmMMmmm.
thats all for now..peace out boy scout! F.G.G.
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