Thoughts from today:
IN OR OUT? My tendency with God is to either be in or out…its not that I’m going from wanting to be in or out…but rather, I feel like I am either “in or out” with Him. If I am making strides in life, being fulfilled in what I do, and seeing fruit=I’m in with Him. BUT, if I am lacking the emotional side of things, not enjoying where my life is, feeling blah=then I’m out with Him. I really struggle with this whole “in or out” thing with God. If I look at obedience, I see that no matter what I am trying to obey God. That isn’t really the issue because then I could say that I was in or “out” with God if I wasn’t obeying Him. But I am trying to. But right now, I feel like not much is going on with Him. Not much to talk about, not much to get excited about. (Bad right? I think so too..but I’m sharing some honest thoughts even though I know the right answer to say)
PROSPERITY GOSPEL: I don’t like the thought that believers have a right to the blessings of health and wealth and that we get it by confession of our faith in it. The whole “name it-claim it” thing bugs me. But there is a truth in prosperity with God. He WILL bless you if you follow Him and you CAN have the abundant life with Christ. He wants us to have the prosperous life…but it comes to us by our choice to have faith AND obey his commands. But there is undeniable interest in
GOOD ENOUGH?: I’ve had the attitude before of “I’m good enough for God.” Maybe I didn’t say it…but I thought it and I didn’t realize how I thought that way until a couple years into knowing God. Then I realized the depth of my sin and the shame that comes with it…then I fall into “I’m not good enough for God.” Once again…balance.
CHILDLIKE FAITH?: Have I lost this? Have I made things too complicated?
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