Sunday, April 12, 2009

things that make you go hmmm....

My latest list of things that have been boggling my brain…things that make you go hmm…

How is it that I can be busy on facebook for two hours or more…but 30 minutes of homework feels like three hours and I am exhausted and falling asleep?

Why is it that the bad food only tastes good? Okay, there are some healthy foods that are good…but really, why do we only crave the bad things? Why can’t I crave cauliflower or spinach?

Why is it that we speed when we are in a hurry? I mean… really…we only get there a couple minutes faster and most of the time those couple minutes don’t make a difference. If you are late then you are late.

Why is it that sometimes love can hurt? Does true love hurt? Has love been glazed over only to be this thing that “feels” good? Or will love always have it times of hurting and it is just a matter of fact that love can hurt?

How is it that God, who knows EVERYTHING, can see my whole life-all the junk-yet love me more than anyone else could?

How is it that when you meet God face to face and see Him in all His glory…you can feel so unworthy, yet so loved and valued? It’s not that you deserve it, but God welcomes you in like you deserve it.

How is it that the very things I dislike the most about myself are the hardest ones to change?

Why is it that I get annoyed when I do something idiotic, but I can’t help but be that annoying person that everyone gets irritated with? Even my personality I get annoyed with. I really can’t help it. Why do people hang out with me? Haha.

How is it that I feel so led by God in what I am doing-yet my life is like a blank canvas and I’m walking around in faith with very little knowledge of the future? I really don’t know what step is next (specifically speaking).

How is it that sometimes the things that consume our thoughts and kill our patience are the very same things that weren’t waiting for and stressing out about in the first place? Why do we get impatient for the things that aren’t worth having? Or how about this: why do we get impatient when we see how quick life is flying by? It will be here soon.

How come the very things we want are the things that are given to us when we aren’t looking for them?

Why is it that conversations are always full of complaining? It is either too cold in here or too hot. Something is either too easy or too hard. Life is either too busy or we are bored. How come we are never satisfied?

Why is it that Sundays are stressful and busy days for Christians? Shouldn’t it be a day to relax and rejoice in the Lord?

Why don’t we (our generation) take advice from our parents or grandparents? Haven’t they seen enough or been down the same road where we can trust that they know what they are talking about?

Why is it that girls want to get married right away when you can talk to any wife and they say to stay single longer?

Why does it take fifteen compliments to be encouraged about what you are doing, but only one comment to be discouraging and bring you down?

Why do we analyze others faults when we all know our deepest dark failures?

Why do we have to “see to believe” things now a days? How is it that you cannot trust a man’s word anymore?

Why do we say beauty is from within, but everyone looks on the outside beauty before they give the inside a chance?

Why is it that I can say the right things, my heart is hungry for the right things, but the wrong things creep in?

How is it that people complain about the lack of privacy, yet they put their lives on facebook and twitter..depicting every moment of their day? Celebrities wonder why the paparazzi always knows where they are...

things that make you go hmm...

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