Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm getting super stoked for CRAVE 09! Ready to see some lives changed and impacted forever! I will blog much to do before tuesday gotta use my time wisely and get readddddddddddddddddddddddddy.
excitement is coming. anticipation is building.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

having an awesome and productive day so far! i'm excited about going out to dinner with a friend tonight from high school that i havent seen in forever. It will be great to hear about everything they are up to and to get an opportunity to share with them what God is doing in my life right now. wahooo. I'm focused and living out my committment to God, both in words and actions!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

So the thing that God spoke to me about over a week finally makes sense. i didnt just want to dismiss it and obviously it proved tonight that it was what I was supposed to hear. This is definitely a first time for me. Usually i hear God, take it in, recieve, and try to grow from it. But this time around I had no idea what it meant. Tonight... It means so much..its so clear!

"You must identify with Jesus before you identify with anything or anyone else. He will lead you where you belong"

You see, personally identifying with Jesus before anything or anyone else is what puts you in the center of God's will. That's where I want to be. Alot of times I think about where I am and where I'll be, how everything will look, what I need to do right now to get ready...but the whole thing is that if I identify with Jesus, I don't need to worry about that stuff. HE will lead me where I belong. He will open the doors, close the doors, bring people into my life that are supposed to be there. He will help me with ministry, help me be wise with my time, and help me to be the most effective person I can be. Stick with Jesus...everything will go as He has planned. The best possible plan and the most abundant life will be ahead, if I stick and obey and go all out.

I watched a Matthew West documentary today and it really impacted and inspired me. He has a great testimony but the whole thing is that he had this life planned ahead that was going to be awesome. He was getting a contract to record a worship album and do all these awesome things for God. He was going to make an impact. The only thing is that he realized that he didnt do it all God's way... I love how he said that he used to do all these "God" things but at the end of the day he would say to God "I hope you like what I did" instead of looking to God and saying "What do you want me to do?" It just spoke volumes to me. He was driving his life and not God...even if he was doing "good" things it wasn't anything without God being the director of his plans. For me-I think that I don't have to make a grand plan, have everything figured out. I wonder what I will do when school is over or what will happen with ministry and life...but if God is driving the wheel, one day at a time, I will be EXACTLY where I belong.

to identify with be unified with God. To be united with fellow believers all reaching one goal ahead. lets do this.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

life is FANTASTIC. on fire. passionate. focused. one way. all or nothing.

2 Thessalonians 1:11: Because we know that this extraordinary day is just ahead, we pray for you all the time—pray that our God will make you fit for what he's called you to be, pray that he'll fill your good ideas and acts of faith with his own energy so that it all amounts to something. If your life honors the name of Jesus, he will honor you. Grace is behind and through all of this, our God giving himself freely, the Master, Jesus Christ, giving himself freely

Monday, July 13, 2009

good day. great day. fantastic day.
God doesnt care about your past...He just wants your future.
amen to that.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I find that God speaks to me alot in the moments when I don't expect it. I love this about Him. I love surprises! Ha. But seriously, God is speaking some stuff directly. I was at Saturday night prayer last night and that time is such an awesome time to have. I can see how my prayer life has grown over the years. I have been thinking...probably a little more than what I should be. Let's just be honest. Thinking can be a tool for Satan to get you to be distracted from the real deal. At prayer, I was just thinking about this moment of my life. I am in a season unlike none other. I have been excited about this season and very content about where I am and where I am headed. I can see God preparing me in different ways for the next season of my life but above all, I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and doing what God wants.

but God said this to me last night and I can't stop thinking about it... I want to make sure I ask Him about it and seek Him because I know that these words are from Him. He said along the lines of ... You must identify with Jesus before you identify with anything or anyone else. He will lead you where you belong.

I think God is giving me confidence and solidifying how important my relationship with Him is. I mean...HE IS NUMBER ONE. No other person, no other thing can take this place. Identify with Jesus, lean on to Jesus, stick with Jesus...and I will be good!

Just some thoughts.

Thank you God for speaking to me. I pray I will grow from it and let it lead me where you want me to be!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

i cant believe its july 9. crazzzy. time is flying by so stinkin fast. why summer must you go away? I'm excited though for conference coming up! it is always one of my favorite parts of summer. I'm praying for God to move in some big ways!

life as of current is great. Easy, no. but great! Discipline is kicking my butt, trying to be productive yet enjoy life is a balance that I'm trying to figure out. One day at a time is how I'm taking it. do the best that you can today and let tomorrow be tomorrow. That means that sometimes you gotta enjoy the moment, eat ice cream with a friend, and let the homework wait. Other times it means you gotta crack the whip and work hard and get some stuff done because time is passing by every moment. I've been sharing Christ with my friend for a while now and it has been so cool for her to see just how awesome God is. But also through our conversations she has also realized that being a Christian is not an easy thing. If you are all out for God, you are going against everything the world says. At times I stopped and was thinking about is so hard to serve God! It takes work and focus and discipline! But it is a greater reward than anything and everything this world has to offer. With God, we can do all things and that is what makes Him happy. Nothing is better than being able to feel God's delight when he looks at your life and how you served Him and did everything with the right heart.

How do you say sane when life is crazy? JESUS. Jesus is the consistency in my life. When things are busy, Jesus is there to keep me focused. When I'm tired, exhausted, and defeated...Jesus is there to lift me up. When I have an awesome day, Jesus is there to rejoice with me and get all the praise. Jesus is number one to me.

growing and loving life. :)