Thursday, April 9, 2009

sweep me away.

seems like my writing has been limited these last couple of weeks due to homework. Well, wait. I'm writing...just not in the blog world. I've been writing plenty for school! But lots of studyin been going on lately. I'm not sure if it is because my current class has a lot of assignments...or rather I am actually buckling down and doing it everyday so it feels like alot. Either way, at least I am working on it. Sometimes I forget I'm in college...ha. crazy. But yeah, what a blessing to be able to do this college thing. It has been a blessing to be able to work during the day and still be able to be in college, as well as being involved in ministry at church. It has also been a blessing financially! I can't complain at all about the work it takes because it isn't that bad once I get past the fact that in college you will have homework here and there and you just gotta do it. I have also just been takin it day by day with the work. Do what I can and not stress. God doesn't want us to stress! So yeah, it hasn't been too bad at all. I can't believe I graduated high school two years ago. wierd.

but i just love jesus. [[cliche... I know]] but even past all my faults and failures, God is still right there and I never knew I could feel so loved and understood by a God we cannot see. I'm also excited for the things that God is doing in my friends lives and the ways that He is blessing them. It is so awesome to see those around you experience God at the fullest. (creepy note: I have been watching people worship while upstairs during church service. I get so encouraged watching people just lift up their hands to God and praise him!) I too have been experiencing God deeper than ever before, which is what I am always striving for. This week I think that He has shown me some things that have to do with my future, but I guess we will have to see in time and see what doors He opens. I'm just giving it all to Him and asking for direction and wisdom. God has opened up doors for me to share the Gospel with co-workers and customers this week and it's been cool. I also had a bible study with a friend of mine and we just talked about the basics of being a Christian. Pretty amazing. But really, this is what I am living for. This is what I am passionate about. I was also stoked about seeing all the students at Impact service on Wednesday night. God is doing some big things!

anywhoo, looking forward to Easter. I'll post later on that!

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